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If you fall behind on your bills, lenders may give your account over to a company whose only role is to try and collect the money you owe. These businesses are often ruthless in their pursuit of your cash. Thankfully, a number of laws protect consumers from these scary companies. Here are some tips for dealing with abusive debt collectors:

Learn the Law
Depending on where you live, a number of different laws can protect you from harassment and incessant phone calls. State statutes often provide an initial layer of protection, but the main law that applies throughout the country is the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA). This regulation prevents collection agencies from calling you in the middle of the night, using profane language, or discussing your debts with your family members or employers. If you feel harassed, begin keeping a log of the collection agency’s actions in order to better prove your case.

Consult an Attorney
One of the best ways to make debt collectors stop calling you is to force them to go through your lawyer. As soon as an attorney begins representing you, collection agencies cannot call you directly. Additionally, a lawyer may help you sue the company in state or federal court for violation of the FDCPA or other consumer protection laws. You can win peace of mind and a financial settlement.

File a Report with a Regulatory Agency
Another option is to report the collection agency to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) your state Attorney General’s office. Both of these government entities have the right to sue collection agencies on behalf of the American public, and can force collectors to change their ways. However, this process can be lengthy and potentially ineffective.

The legal team at Cutler & Associates is skilled at applying Illinois and federal law to debt collection practices. If you want to fight back against harassment and never-ending phone calls, consider meeting with one of our lawyers to learn about your legal options.